Seller SKU Content Export

Seller SKU Content Export

Seller SKU Content Export enables you to download all the content in both English and Arabic for any given Partner SKU, make modifications directly in the downloaded template and upload it back through Seller Lab for needed updates.

Once you create your Seller SKUs through the Single SKU or bulk workflow, you will need to create the same content translation to complete the needed requirement to submit your content for approval.

To be able to update the content or to add the translation for the other language that you did not initially upload, you will have a very quick and efficient way on your Seller Lab page, but if you wish to do it for multiple SKU at the same time, you can now do so.

How to export the translated sheet?

- Go to your Seller Lab then Catalog then go to Import and click on New Imports


- Build you import by selecting NIS then in the subtype choose Product Content Export. Click Download Template to get the template spreadsheet and then click on Next to proceed to the import screen. 


- Fill the sample sheet with your "Store Id" and the "Partner SKUs" that you already imported earlier. 

Save your sheet as CSV, TSV or XLS.

Make sure you provide the Partner SKUs (names you assigned to your
SKUs when you created them) and not some other identifier.


- Upload the sheet and click on Submit.


- To export the translated version, go to Catalog then Import and click on NIS & Bulk Product Imports. 

- Download the Content Export


- You will have a compressed file, you need to open the translated sheet and fill the missing information.


In the above example we have FA Apparel_ar and FA Apparel_en. For the uploaded Parter SKUs, these are the Arabic and English content files. In these files you will find all the Partner SKUs you’ve provided with whatever content is available for them - title, image links, attributes, etc.

- The partner_sku_mapping.xlsx file will show you what Seller SKUs your partner SKUs are mapped to. It’s purely for visibility purposes.

- You could also see an error.xlsx file. If you’ve added any Partner SKUs that don’t have Seller SKUs but rather Noon SKUs, they will be shown in here. 


Now you have your content export, what you need to do next? 

You can use it to just get an overview of your content, but the most common use case is to update the content for the particular SKU. Or translate the content into the other language.

The content templates that were downloaded are the same as the bulk template for creating multiple products at the same time. 

You can simply make any changes to the content or add any content, such as add a new attribute or add an image, directly to the files you just downloaded and upload it again through the Seller Lab. 

Once you make the content changes, go to Catalog then Partner Catalog and click on Create A Product then select Create multiple products. Skip the template download. Once you’re at the page to upload your products, upload the same file that you downloaded through the export and then updated. 

- Then import your sheet. For more information click here


What are the fields that will be translated automatically?

All the information on the drop menus fields added by you. If you initially provided Partner SKUs that for example had English but no Arabic content, you will still see them in the Arabic template. You will see it is prefilled with the categorization, partner SKU, and any of the attributes that we were able to translate automatically - this is usually all the attributes that have dropdown fields. You can simply add whatever is missing in the Arabic template to enrich your Arabic content. If you are choosing to provide the Arabic (or English) translation, the most important attribute to provide is the title. 

Once you make the changes in the excel file, follow the process above - simply upload it through Seller Lab.



That's it!


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