FBN Inventory Detail Report

FBN Inventory Detail Report

To help you streamline your operation, a wide range of reports is available to you on Seller Lab to help you effortlessly monitor your inventory stored in noon fulfillment centers.

Among these reports is the FBN Inventory Detail report, which is a crucial element in our suite of resources, providing sellers with precise insights into both saleable and non-saleable inventory stored in noon.

What are the benefits of using The FBN Inventory Detail Report?

With the FBN Inventory report, you'll gain insight into the following:

  • Comprehensive Inventory Overview: You can easily access a breakdown of the total inventory, encompassing both saleable and non-saleable items across FBN, grocery, and flex warehouses.
  • Saleable Inventory Visibility: The report offers a clear distinction between saleable inventory that is live and ready for customer purchase and items that are not available for sale.
  • Non-Saleable Inventory Tracking: You can efficiently monitor the stock quantity of non-saleable inventory based on various reasons, including ASN QC failed, mislabeled, NDR, CIR, damaged, expired, or under research.
  • Source Identification: The report provides information about the source of non-saleable inventory for all the aforementioned reasons, except for mislabeled, damaged, and items under research.

Where Can I Access The FBN Inventory Detail Report?

- On Seller Lab, click the three lines on the top left corner of the screen, select Reports, and click Custom report. After that, click on Generate Report. 


- From the drop menu, select FBN Inventory Detail Report.

- Choose the close date. You cannot select today’s date as a close date, you can select yesterday date.

Note: The report is updated every 24 hours, it will be generated daily at midnight.
It will be different from the actual inventory depending on when you view it
as it is not a real-time report.

- Click Generate Report.

- Click the ellipsis (...) under Actions to view/download the report as CSV.

- You can view the report as below:

Report Terms Index:

Column NameMeaning
close_dateDate for which the snapshot of inventory is calculated. Sellers can choose the close date as (T-1) day.
barcodeBarcode used in noon warehouse to track the inventory.
pbarocde_canonicalThe barcode of a specific product, that was provided by the partner.
skuIt is the noon system-generated SKU - Stock Keeping Unit - which is linked to each product listed by a partner.
psku_canonicalThe SKU generated and designed by the partner. 
warehouse_codeNoon warehouse where the inventory is present.
countryCountry where the warehouse is located.
warehouse_typeType of warehouse - FBN, Grocery, Darkstore and Others.
titleTitle of the product.
brandBrand of the product.
familyThe category of the product.
inventory_typeDifferent types of inventory. Refer to Table 1 below.

Source document for the non-saleable inventory. 
- For Inbound QC fail issue this column will show the ASN number.
- For NDR and CIRs it will show the order number.

qtyThe quantity of the SKU present in the inventory_type.
volumetric_weightThe weight of the item as captured by the VMS System in our warehouse.
longest_sideThe size of the longest side of the item.
median_sideThe size of the median side of the item.
shortest_sideThe size of the shortest side of the item.
size_classificationThe size of the parcel that will be used to ship the item to the customer. 

 Table 1: Types of Inventory 

Type of Inventory


Saleable liveInventory that is in good condition, live and available for sale to our customers.
Saleable not_liveInventory that is in good condition, but it's not live and not visible to our customers on the site.
ASN Inbound QC failInventory that did not meet noon's Quality Guidelines upon receiving it in the noon warehouse.
MislabelInventory that does not match the corresponding SKU content on the website.
Non-delivered Returns (NDR)Items which were shipped but not delivered to the customer for various reasons. This isn't inclusive of Directship NDRs.
Customer Returns (CIR)This includes all the customer initiated returns. 
DamagedThis inventory has been damaged in the duration it was stored in noon's warehouses.
ResearchingThis inventory is being processed by noon's warehouse team to accurately identify the issue and assign it to one of the above-mentioned inventory types.
OtherThis inventory is being processed by noon's warehouse team to accurately identify the issue and assign it to one of the sub-types.


That's It!


Got any more questions?

Contact us on seller@noon.com.



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